Eyton Lane,
Shropshire SY4 2AX
Telephone: 01939 260296
Headteacher: Dr Jane Tinker
School email address: admin@corbetschool.net
Pupil absence email address: absence@corbetschool.net
SENCO: Mrs Rachel Stokes: rachel.stokes@corbetschool.net
Admissions: Ms Anita Simpson: anita.simpson@corbetschool.net
Exams: Mrs Louise Lloyd-Butler: exams@corbetschool.net
Pupil absence telephone number: 01939 262004
IT Support telephone number: 01939 262005
Finance Department telephone number: 01939 262008
Staff absence telephone number: 01939 262003
School Opening Hours
School Office: Monday to Friday: 8:00am to 4:00pm (40hrs per week)
Official start of the school day: 8.45am
Official end of the school day: 3.20pm