The Designated Safeguarding Lead in School is Mr Simms.
Deputy safeguarding Leads are: Dr Tinker, Mrs Stokes, Mr Hartshorn and Mrs Simms
All Corbet Staff receive regular Child Protection training.
The school may need to share information and work in partnership with other agencies when there are concerns about a pupil’s welfare.
Operation Encompass: The school will be notified if any domestic abuse incidents that happen in the homes of our pupils, this is to allow us to best support young people during these difficult times.
All staff wear identity badges to indicate that they are authorised personnel. Visitors are issued with a temporary badge which is returned to Reception on departure. All staff and pupils are encouraged to report anyone who is on the school premises and not clearly displaying a school badge.
We also have an extensive range of CCTV equipment to record activity in key areas of the school grounds and buildings.
Parents/carers are permitted to take photographs/videos of their own children in school events. They are requested not to share photographs/videos from school events on social media. Parents/carers, pupils and staff are all required to sign and adhere to the acceptable use policy.