At The Corbet School we aim to provide outstanding careers guidance which supports the following:
- Connecting learning to the future
- Motivate students by giving them a clearer idea of the routes to jobs and careers that they will find engaging and rewarding.
- Widening students’ horizons, challenge stereotypes and raise aspirations.
- Providing students with the knowledge and skills necessary to make successful transitions to the next stage of their lives.
- Supporting social mobility by improving opportunities for all students, especially those from disadvantaged backgrounds and those with special educational needs and disabilities
To achieve the outcomes, careers guidance and education is delivered using a wide range of avenues:
- ‘Unifrog’ – an award-winning online careers platform, exploring careers information, routes and links.
- School engagement with The Marches Careers Hub and The Careers Enterprise Company for additional support, guidance and training.
- Dedicated careers area in the school library.
- An Independent Careers Adviser in school once a week for individual and small group consultations with students.
- Thematic Schemes of Work spiralled through the year groups, delivered through the PSHEE Curriculum, accompanied by dedicated ‘Careers Focus’ events and activities.
- Speakers from a variety of industries.
- Year 10 Work Experience.
- Post 16 support for Year 11’s: presentations, personal statements / CV and application support, and visits to Further Education Colleges taster days and workshops, assembly presentations and lunch time drop-in sessions.