Key Stage 3 (Years 7, 8 and 9)
During their first three years, all pupils follow a similar course, designed to give a sound general education and to provide the base upon which the more specialised studies in Years 10 and 11 can build.
Pupils will study:
Art, Design & Technology, Drama, English, Geography, History, Information & Communication Technology, Mathematics, Modern Foreign Language*, Music, Personal, Social, Health & Economic Education, Physical Education, Religious Education, Science.
*All pupils will be allocated a language to study (French or Spanish). They will study this one language for their time at the school, resulting in a GCSE qualification.
Teaching groups
Most lessons in the first two years will be taught in mixed-ability groups. However, the three core subjects; English, maths and science will be taught in ability groups.
Key Stage 4 (years 10 and 11)
During Years 10 and 11, pupils will pursue a broad and balanced timetable, according to the requirements of the school and the National Curriculum. Most subjects are compulsory but there is some element of choice. The Options process takes place in Year 9 where pupils are asked to select three subjects they would like to study in Years 10 and 11 in addition to their compulsory curriculum. We try to cater for all pupils and their preferences.
Options: Wherever a choice of subjects is allowed, pupils will be given the opportunity to discuss their decision with relevant teachers and to consult with their parents. The staff will give careful consideration to the wishes of pupils and parents, but should problem arise the final decision must rest with the school. Our planned procedures mean this rarely happens.
Throughout both key stages the progress of all students is monitored very closely. The performance of every student, including those who have special educational needs or who are gifted, is tracked against individual expectations. Those expectations are high and are based on individuals working to their full potential.
The curriculum at The Corbet School is further enhanced by our Personal, Social, Health and Economic Education and Citizenship programme throughout Years 7 to 11. A host of extra-curricular clubs, trips and other activities enrich students’ experience beyond the classroom and help to develop their self-esteem and confidence.
Religious Education
Religious Education follows the Shropshire Agreed Syllabus. Parents are allowed by law to withdraw their children from these aspects of the curriculum, but only on the grounds of religious conviction.
Relationship and Sex Education
We have based our school’s relationship and sex education policy on the DfE guidance. RSE is part of the personal, social, health and economic education curriculum (PSHEE). There is a full and balanced programme of relationships and sex education that takes place throughout the five years. Parents have a right to withdraw their child from aspects of the relationship and sex education programme..