Exam Results Summer 2024
The Corbet School is extremely proud that this year’s students have continued our record of high achievement with another year of excellent results.
Standard Pass (9-4) in English (Literature or Language): 82%
Strong Pass (9-5) in English (Literature or Language): 65%
Standard Pass (9-4) in Maths: 82%
Strong Pass (9-5) in Maths: 58%
Standard Pass (9-4) in English and Maths: 77%
Strong Pass (9-5) in English and Maths: 48%
Students achieving a standard pass (9-4) in two sciences (Combined or Separate): 76%
Students achieving 5+ standard passes (9-4) Inc. English & Maths: 73%
Students achieving at least one qualification (9-1): 99%
Attainment 8: 49.00
Percentage of pupils entered for EBacc: 37%
Percentage of pupils achieving the EBacc Standard Pass: 23%
Percentage of pupils achieving the EBacc Strong Pass: 13%
The school is delighted with the fantastic achievement which reflects the hard work, dedication and commitment of our students.