Personal, Social, Health, Economic Education (PSHEE) & Citizenship
This is a structured programme of lessons and activities meeting the requirements of the National Curriculum at KS3 and KS4. The Citizenship programme of study at KS3 and KS4 is designed to develop pupils’ social and moral responsibility, community involvement and political literacy, meeting the National Curriculum requirements.
Personal Wellbeing
The National Curriculum stresses the importance of personal wellbeing in helping young people to embrace change, feel positive about who they are, and enjoy healthy, safe, responsible and fulfilled lives. Personal wellbeing also makes a major contribution to the promotion of personal development.
Economic Wellbeing & Financial Capability
Aims to equip pupils with the knowledge, skills and attributes to make the most of challenging opportunities in learning and work.
Work Experience
This takes place towards the end of Year 10, when pupils go out into the ‘world of work’. Pupils are involved in arranging their own placements. The school monitors students during their placements. All placements are rigorously checked for the relevant insurances and health and safety regulations.