Dear parent / carer,
I thought that I would provide you with a very quick update today following the announcement last night of a national lockdown and a stay at home order. The indication is that schools will stay closed for most pupils until February half term.
Firstly, we will update Year 11 and their parents as we know more about what may happen to the exams in the summer and about mock exams too. I know that Mr Simms and Mr Hartshorn will be in touch this week about tutoring and all Year 11 pupils must be logging into their Satchel:One account by 8.45am each day to enable them to access their work and the links to their Zoom lessons.
As stated in my last letter we will be running Zoom lessons as timetabled to enable face-to-face support for all pupils and I have just checked lesson monitor and so far attendance has been excellent. Please keep up this excellent work and please feel free to phone school if you are experiencing any ICT difficulties and we will do our best to help. The timetable will be reviewed over the next few days as I would like to build in some time for our pupils with their tutors and some wellbeing drop in sessions too. It might be that we make some minor changes to lesson start times as we no longer need a split lunch arrangement in school but I will confirm the detail once it has been finalised.
A reminder that school is now only open to the following groups of pupils:
During the period of national lockdown, schools and colleges should only allow vulnerable children and the children of critical workers to attend. Children with at least one parent or carer who is listed as a critical worker are eligible for a school place.
I would ask that any pupil who can stay safely at home does so in line with the stay at home guidance issued on Monday evening.
I will update you as and when I know more and I thank you for your patience and support.
With best wishes to you and your families,
Jane Tinker