The changes now in place from the new Children & Families Act mean that IASS continue to support parents of children up to the age of 16. However, after compulsory school age, up to the age of 25, any young person with a special education need should now be directly involved in decision making themselves, either with or without their parent’s/carer’s involvement.
There may be many issues which concern you – for example, admission to school or college, support received, lack of progress, transport problems or risk of school exclusion.
Or you may be confused by titles and terms you’ve never heard of and the complexity of the procedures involved.
IASS offer:
IASS are here to give you help so you can feel much more confident in being able to take an active role in making sure any educational needs are met.
IASS support is:
If you are a parent with a child at school, or a young person up to the age of 25, and you are looking for practical help with special educational needs procedures, information concerning health or social care or you just want someone to listen to your concerns – do get in touch.
IASS can help even without a diagnosis, if you have concern that there is a special need or disability
The special educational need may be:
Specific learning difficulty (Dyslexia)
Physical or medical problems
Developmental Coordination Disorder (DCD)
Dyspraxia, or Sensory difficulties
Learning difficulty or learning disability
Behavioural or emotional difficulties
Autism (ASD/ASC)
Aspergers syndrome
Moderate/severe learning difficulty
Genetic condition
Contact Information
Call: 01952 457176
Delivering Independent Support in Shropshire and Telford and Wrekin.
Telford and Wrekin CVS
Registered Charity Number: 702589