End of Summer Term – 1.30pm Tuesday, 19th July 2022
End of Term Arrangements Summer 2022
As the end of term is fast approaching, we thought it timely to inform you of a few arrangements:
Lost property: we have again accumulated substantial amounts of lost property; pupils have been informed that this is on display for them to reclaim any missing items. Anything unclaimed by the end of term will be disposed of or donated to charity.
Baschurch Village Fete, Saturday 9th July, The Corbet School’s Rock Band will be performing.
Year 10 Work Experience: pupils will be out of school attending their work experience placements from Monday 11th July until Friday15th July, we wish them all well.
Interhouse games continue this week, details have been sent by Satchel.
Lap of Hope, to celebrate this summer’s Birmingham 2022 Commonwealth Games, and raise money for Sport Relief, pupils will participate in the Lap of Hope on Monday 18th July 2022.
Awards Assemblies, Monday 18th July, our opportunity to recognise the achievements of our students throughout a remarkably busy school year.
School lunch costs, just a quick note to let you know that the cost of lunches from September 2022 will increase to £2.60 for the meal deal.
Results Day: GCSE results will be available for collection on Thursday 25th August from 9.00am until 11.00am, further details have been provided to year 11. If you do have any uniform or French/ Spanish textbooks you could donate, could you please bring these along on the day and boxes will be available for you to deposit them.
Tuesday 19th July, normal lessons will take place in the morning with a whole school assembly at 12.30pm the school day will finish at 1.30pm for the summer holidays. Those pupils who usually travel on school transport will be collected at 1.30pm. We would kindly ask other parents and pupils to make necessary arrangements to be collected at 1.30pm. There will be no transport provision at the normal finish time of 3.20pm. Please note that there will be no lunchtime canteen service on this day, although there will be the usual morning break service. Pupils entitled to free school meals will be able to use their provision at morning break.
We look forward to welcoming students back on Tuesday 6th September and a letter reminding parents about uniform requirements, hair cuts and piercings will follow before the end of term.
Term dates and holidays:
• PD Day, Monday 5th September 2022, staff only in school
• Pupils return to school on Tuesday 6th September 2022
I will also take this opportunity to wish all parents and pupils a safe and happy summer break, hopefully with some pleasant weather.
Dr Jane Tinker
PACC – Parent Carer Wellbeing SEND
PACC are publishing our Mad, Sad, Glad report 2022, which explores how parent carers feel about being a parent of a SEND child or young person in Shropshire, to mark Mental Health Awareness Week.
The Mad, Sad, Glad report can be accessed here.
This years Mental Health Awareness week is focused on loneliness, and this is a theme that is clearly present in our Mad, Sad, Glad report, with parent carers sharing their sense of disconnect and isolation from wider society due to their different family experiences. This sense of disconnect is exacerbated by the challenges they report in working with the support system, with parent carers too often feeling not valued or understood when asking for help.
We have discussed the findings in our Mad, Sad Glad report with senior leads in Shropshire and have highlighted the current lack of parent carer support, especially where they are supporting children and young people under the age of 18. Following these discussions, we have been asked to gather thoughts on what support for parent carers should look like in Shropshire and it would be really helpful if you could spare some time to complete the short survey below to help us with this.
We also want Shropshire parent carers to know that while your experiences of family life might be different to many, you are not alone. There is a strong SEND community in Shropshire that is growing stronger all of the time and PACC will continue to work to support this community to support each other, to have a voice and to effect change.
More information about PACC’s work in this area can be found here.
Parent Carer Support Survey
Shropshire parent carers have told us that there are a number of areas that issues that impact on their wellbeing, these are;
- Loneliness
- A lack of understanding by services of their lives
- A lack of a break from caring responsibilities
- A lack of mental health support for parent carers
- The difficulty in accessing services
- The difficulty in understanding and navigating the system
PACC are currently collecting information on what support you would find helpful, and feedback on your wellbeing. We have put together a survey and would appreciate your feedback:
Kind Regards,
Abi Taylor
PACC Administrator
Summer Open Morning for Year 5 & 6 Pupils – Tuesday 28th June, Tours at 9.30am, 10.00am, 10.30am, 11.30am & 12noon
Year 7 Parents’ Evening
On Thursday 28 April, we will be holding ‘video call’ Year 7 Parents’ Evening. The evening will give the opportunity for parents/carers to have appointments with teachers to review their child’s progress and effort so far this year.
As you may be aware, over the last year, we have been using an online appointment booking and video calling system for parents’ evenings provided by a company called schoolcloud. We have decided to continue to work with schoolcloud to run parents’ evenings this year. I would ask that parents/carers are patient with teachers; broadband speeds (parents’ and teachers’) can sometimes have an impact on this way of working.
Appointments can be made from 6pm on Friday 15 April until 6pm on Tuesday 26 April.
Please visit https://corbet.schoolcloud.co.uk/ to book your appointments.
Appointments can be arranged between 4pm and 8pm, depending on teacher availability. Appointments will be a maximum of 6 minutes in duration to provide as many parents/carers as possible with a time.
Please read the Parents’ Guide emailed home to parents/carers before booking appointments. Please also take some time to watch the videos included before the parents’ evening to ensure you understand the system and have all your browser device settings correctly configured.
Should you have any questions in advance of the parents’ evening, please contact admin@corbetschool.net
Yours sincerely
Mr G Simms
Deputy Headteacher
The Corbet News – April 2022 Edition
The April 2022 edition of the Corbet News has been emailed home to parents/carers and is also available on the newsletter page of the website: https://corbetschool.net/news/newsletters/
Red Cross Humanitarian Crisis Appeal for Ukraine
The whole school charity fundraiser for Ukraine, running total currently stands at a fabulous £3,177. Well done everyone.
Red Cross Ukraine Humanitarian Crisis Appeal – £740 raised so far
Red Cross Ukraine Humanitarian Crisis Appeal – £740 raised so far
The break time hot chocolate has been an enormous success and your support has been overwhelming.
Many thanks for your support, which is much appreciated by the whole school community.
The Corbet Christmas Extravaganza live on the school Facebook page from 3.00pm on Wednesday, 15th December for 24hrs only
Board Game Extravaganza – All Proceeds to Hope House Children’s Hospice – Monday, 22nd November 2021, 1.30pm (School Library)
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