Archives for 2018
Lost Property – Parents welcome to come into school during the day to look for lost items
We have accumulated a mountain of lost property, the majority of which is unnamed.
Parent/Guardians are welcome to come to reception to look during the school day.
An Evening with the Military Wives Choir – In aid of the Ecuador Expedition – Friday 27th April – Tickets available school
Les Misérable
The Music and Performing Arts Department of The Corbet School are putting on the production of Les Misérable in November 2018 and auditions are being held on the 26th March after school.
Whilst lots of pupils have decided to audition for this and have learned a few of the songs many do not know the musical as a whole. To help them understand some of the characters they are auditioning for we are proposing to show the 2012 film in music lessons over the next 2 weeks in Years 7, 8 & 9.
This version of the film is rated PG (13) and full details of the film content are available on the IMDB website, including reviews.
This is a valuable aspect of your child’s education and links directly to class work which we are undertaking; therefore, I do hope that all pupils will participate. However, if you do not want your child to watch this film please put a note in their planner advising us and ask your child to show the teacher at start of the session. In this event alternative provision will be made for your child in the Library but this may impact on their ability to participate fully in class discussions relevant to this subject.
Thank for your support in this matter.
Mrs E. Bunn
Thursday 1st March – All after-school clubs have been cancelled.
All after-school clubs have been cancelled due to the weather conditions. The after-school library provision will remain open as usual but it would be appreciated that children are collected as early as possible from 3.20pm.
Sorry for any inconvenience caused.
Options Evening (Thursday 1st March) – CANCELLED
In view of the weather forecast for Thursday evening we have taken the decision to cancel the options evening.
There will be an opportunity to discuss any queries with individual subject teachers on Parents Evening on Thursday 15th March 2018.
We appreciate that some parents and staff have long journeys on rural roads and we do not wish to put parents, pupils or staff at risk and hope that you understand the reason for this cancellation.
P. N. Adams