Each July, our Year 10 students head out into the workforce to experience life in the working world. We are always keen to expand the number and variety of careers and work placements available to them. The process is fully supported by our dedicated team who are always on hand to guide. If you feel able to support this fantastic, worthwhile opportunity by hosting one of our students, we’d be delighted to hear from you. Please contact us at careers@corbetschool.net. A member of our Careers Education Team will be in touch in the hope that we can include you and your business our provision.
Autism Empowerment Webinar
Parent/carer Autism Online Workshops February 2024
PD Day – Monday, 8th January 2024, Pupils return to school on Tuesday, 9th January 2024
• PD Day, Monday 8th January, staff only in school
• Pupils return to school on Tuesday 9th January 2024
Tuesday, 19th December – Christmas Dinner and Christmas Jumper Day
Christmas Lunch: This year we are going to designate Tuesday 19th December as “Christmas Lunch Day”. Tutors have spoken with their tutees about this, the only option that will be available that day will be a roast turkey dinner or vegetarian option (£3.50), which can be purchased using their ParentPay account as normal. There is also no additional charge for pupils entitled to free school meals. Those who do not wish to have Christmas lunch should bring a packed lunch please.
Please note There will be a break service on this day however it will be a limited selection. To continue with the festivities there will also be hot chocolate and biscuits available to purchase during break-time. We would like to introduce a pay it forward scheme and more information of this will be available closer to the time. We would also like to ask for any donations of instant hot chocolate, marshmallows, and cream for this.
Christmas Jumper Day, Tuesday 19th December: Along with Christmas Lunch Day, pupils can come to school in their Christmas jumpers, worn with school uniform. We won’t be asking for cash donations for this; however, we would be happy to rehome any outgrown or unwanted Christmas Jumpers.
End of Term Christmas Activities 2023
As the end of term is fast approaching, we thought it would be timely to inform you of a few arrangements:
Christmas Tree: We would like to thank Leaton Forest for supplying our Christmas tree this year. If parent/carers have any unwanted Christmas decorations, we would love to give them a new home.
Lost property: We have again accumulated large amounts of lost property; pupils will be informed when this is on display, to reclaim any missing items. Anything unclaimed by the end of term will be re-cycled through Corbet Clothes or donated to charity.
Christmas Lunch: This year we are going to designate Tuesday 19th December as “Christmas Lunch Day”. Tutors have spoken with their tutees about this, the only option that will be available that day will be a roast turkey dinner or vegetarian option (£3.50), which can be purchased using their ParentPay account as normal. There is also no additional charge for pupils entitled to free school meals. Those who do not wish to have Christmas lunch should bring a packed lunch please.
Please note There will be a break service on this day however it will be a limited selection. To continue with the festivities there will also be hot chocolate and biscuits available to purchase during break-time. We would like to introduce a pay it forward scheme and more information of this will be available closer to the time. We would also like to ask for any donations of instant hot chocolate, marshmallows, and cream for this.
Christmas Jumper Day, Tuesday 19th December: Along with Christmas Lunch Day, pupils can come to school in their Christmas jumpers, worn with school uniform. We won’t be asking for cash donations for this; however, we would be happy to rehome any outgrown or unwanted Christmas Jumpers.
Thursday 21st December: The school day will finish at 1.30pm for the Christmas holidays. Those pupils who usually travel on school transport will be collected at 1.30pm. We would kindly ask other parents and pupils to make necessary arrangements to be collected at 1.30pm. There will be no transport provision at the normal finish time of 3.20pm. Please note that there will be no lunchtime canteen service on this day, although there will be the usual morning break service. Pupils entitled to free school meals will be able to use their provision at morning break.
• PD Day, Monday 8th January, staff only in school
• Pupils return to school on Tuesday 9th January 2024
Dr Jane Tinker
End of Autumn Term – 1.30pm on Thursday, 21st December 2023.
School will finish for students at 1.30pm on Thursday 21st December. School buses will collect the students at this time, there will be no lunch service on this day but FSM students can use their allocation during AM break.
CFA Christmas Chocolate Bingo – Thursday, 7th December, 6.30pm – Tickets now on sale in Reprographics
Art Clubs Cancelled – Thursday, 30th November & Friday 1st December
Both lunch and after-school Art Clubs are cancelled on Thursday, 30th November and Friday, 1st December 2023.
Reverse Advent Calendar for Food Bank Collection launches on Monday, 27th November 2023
On Monday, Miss Williams will be launching a reverse advent calendar for our annual food bank collection. Each tutor group will be given a copy of the calendar to cross off and a christmassy bag to collect their items in. The items will then be delivered to the food bank to make Christmas hampers on the 18th December.
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